
stress-skin-diseasesStress does not only cause problems with your mental health but can also aggravate skin diseases and make your skin look ugly. It may not be obvious but the mind and the skin are intertwined. A lot of skin problems are rooted in the disturbed psyche. Experts are calling this new phenomenon psychodermatology. It is a field of medical science that deals with the reaction of the skin to the overpowering emotions. This opens to a new approach in dermatology where relaxation, anti-depressants and even cognitive behavior therapy are used to help people with their skin diseases. Here are some of the top stress-related skin problems that are best managed in a joint Dermatology- Psychiatry clinic.


A skin that is suffering from psoriasis often has silvery scales or raised patches on the scalp. It may also appear in other parts of the body. It can also appear on the elbows, knees and even under the fingernails. Psoriasis is very tricky to treat and still there is no known cure. Anxiety and stress are among the perceived reasons why people suffer from psoriasis aside from genetics and food allergies. Topical medicines are quite effective, but lately relaxation techniques have become popular. Aromatherapy has also been helpful in relieving the discomfort among sufferers and apparently it provides a soothing effect. Aromatherapy works by stimulating the brain towards relaxation that helps reduce anxiety symptoms.


Yeast infection is what causes problems with dandruff. But it is just one part of the equation. The increased production of sebum is another factor that increases the likelihood that a person would suffer from dandruff. Hormonal imbalance and stress contribute to the increased sebum. When too much sebum and fungus combine, it causes flaking of the skin. Dandruff leads to oily (as opposed to the popular belief that it is dry), dull and lifeless hair. Anti-dandruff shampoo can stop the flakes but not the root cause. A balanced diet and enough time for relaxation can normalize the hormones in the body which helps promote the healthy production of sebum.


Eczema is a reddish and often itchy skin disease. Anti-histamines , emollients and topical corticosteroids are also prescribed by dermatologists to help alleviate the discomfort of eczema. Today, some general practitioners also recommend relaxation techniques as part of the treatment for eczema. This is done to help control the effects of stress that can lead to more production of histamines which could worsen the condition as it is.

Also Read: Can scratching an itchy skin rash make it worse? Why do we scratch?


About 45 million people suffer from vitiligo worldwide. It is also prevalent even with celebrities. The late Michael Jackson was once diagnosed with vitiligo. A person with vitiligo will have problems being exposed under sunlight as it may cause severe sunburn. There are many theories why people suffer from vitiligo, while others point to anxiety and stress as the culprits. Oral steroids and phototherapy are the mainstay of vitiligo treatment, while some GPs would also recommend cognitive behavior therapy and relaxation to patients to ease the stress that may be causing the disease.


Urticaria or more known by its nickname- ‘hives’,  is a skin disease that may persist for a few weeks to years.  It causes an itchy and burning sensation to the patient. Over-the-counter anti-histamines can ease the symptoms. Food allergens are a common cause of Urticaria. Strong emotions, stress and panic attacks can also trigger hives.


Almost all people in the planet would suffer from acne at one point in time in their lives. While acne is caused by a combination of yeast infection and over secretion of sebum, stress also plays a significant part of the skin disease. Stress and hormonal imbalance can cause the over production of sebum which can be exploited by the yeasts, leading to a break out. Topical medicines/ antibiotics and proper skin care are the basic treatments for acne. It would also help to control stress as part of the long-term solution to the problem.

The mind and skin are totally connected in various levels. The good news is that by adding other experts to solve the problem it also widens the treatment options for the patients. Now, doctors are able to treat the symptoms and at the same time address the root cause of the problem of these stress-related skin diseases.