Dermabrasion may repigment vitiligo

Vitiligo is an extremely troublesome disease with very few successful treatment options. A number of authors have advocated dermabrasion followed by skin grafts via various techniques. However it is interesting to note that dermabrasion alone might be suffice to repigment vitiligo. This needs to be investigated further in a randomized control trial.  J Cosmet Dermatol. 2012 Dec;11(4):318-22. […]

Increasing the awareness of Vitiligo: Nital, A must watch film

I have heard rave reviews about this film showcasing the plight of a vitligo sufferer. I am glad that the IJDVL has taken it upon itself to promote the film and am looking forward to the release of the English version of ‘Nital’.   Director’s Note… Nital means transparent…..Crystal clear…. Nital, which literally means transparent…one […]

New Treatment for Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a dreadful disease, especially in dark skinned individuals. This study below discusses a new treatment for vitiligo (laser dermabrasion combined with steroid creams and phototherapy). Though the results are very promising, the high pain scores and poor patient satisfaction scores, dampen our enthusiasm and excitement. But this is still quite promising. Effect of […]