Dettol burn on face

Question: I have use dettol liquid for cleaning face without water…. my skin is burn and black dark spot has started on my forhead…. what should i use….. please please advised me I shall be very thank full to you….. GOD BLESS YOU!!!!! AMEEN   Answer: I am afraid as mentioned the blog is for general […]

Dark upper lip due to threading

Question: i m 19 years old…i started threading my upper lips 2 years the upper lips portion has changed its colour…it has turned darker and does not match the complexion of the rest of my face…what should i do? Answer: I think you have answered your own question…The skin has darkened as a result […]

Rash and now scars/ marks on the back

Question: I am 21 and I was around 18 years old when few red sort of pimples/acne (don’t exactly know what was that) occurred on my chest. I did not take seriously and few days later that red sort of pimples speared on my body (neck, hands, back, stomach) except my face and below belt. […]

Skin Whiteners on prescription

Question: I NEED A PRESCRIBTION TO WHITEN MY SKIN TONE I WANT IT 3 TO 4 SHADE LIGHTER THAN MY NORMAL ONE AND I HAVE SENSITIVE SKIN AS WELL.THANKS Answer: I would certainly be happy to help. However, I will not make false promises and make you believe that you can become like a caucasian […]

Glutathione Skin Whitening

Question Hi, I need to know how safe is to take Glutathione pills for skin whitening. I’m NOT black, I’ve got a rare skin colour, more like a light browny beige, the thing is I produce lots of melanin with sun exposure, so my arms, hands, neck and FACE gets terribly darker in less than […]


Question: I have this chafing thats been worrying me for 3 months now (between sept & nov). Its between my inner thighs. I hve been applying johnson baby powder to relieve the irritation. The irritation is unbearable towards the middle of the day at work, even if the powder is applied. I move around a […]

Dark skin and ring worm: groin

Question Hello Doc, Good Morning!! I was actually looking for some blog like this from long. Let me tell you about my problem… I am 28 years old and I used to have deadly itching around my pubic region from very long. I think it started when i was in class 9th. I used to […]